Online learning is NOT for everyone since some students need the structure of a "typical" class. For those students who can work independently, online learning is a good option.


  • Students are exposed to online learning which they will need later in life 
  • Students take courses that may not be offered in their school 
  • Students expand their personal network by working with students from other schools 
  • Students develop 21st century technology skills 
  • Courses provide multi-dimensional lessons that take advantage of how students live and work outside of school (Internet, cell phones, social networking, etc...) 
  • Courses have a career component so students know the future possibilities 
  • Courses are aligned to Colorado Content Standards 
  • Teachers hold weekly interactive instructional webinars 
  • Students can schedule one on one instructional sessions as needed 
  • Course activities are designed around a project-based learning model
  • Activities are flexible to meet individual needs 
  • Students design their own work schedule 
  • Course are facilitated by Colorado certified secondary teachers

Online courses are great alternatives for a student who:

  • Is in a home-based learning program
  • Attends an alternative program like a charter school or contract school 
  • Is interested in a course not offered at the local high school 
  • Has a full course load at school and wants to earn extra high school credits 
  • Wants to explore a topic at a much deeper level than is taught in regular school 
  • Is an independent learner 
  • Has a job and needs to work during regular school time 
  • Has a medical condition which limits school attendance 
  • Enjoys technology and wants to use it more for school

Online learning in high school is also a great way for a student to get ready for post-secondary education and for the workplace since they may face online learning in these situations later in life.

For more information, e-mail: contactus@hsonlinelearning.com