21st Century Entrepreneurship: Explore business development using 21st century marketing and communication tools.  Students will:

  • Create their own fictional business 
  • Develop a business plan 
  • Develop marketing materials 
  • Promote their business 
  • Research the competition

Digital Photography and Graphics: Learn the basics of digital photography and graphics and develop personalized products. Students will:

  • Edit and prepare images 
  • Design a variety of products 
  • Create an e-portfolio

Digital Publishing: Experience publishing in the digital age. Students will:

  • Publish an independent e-newsletter 
  • Write an e-book 
  • Build a personal interest Web site 
  • Develop a personal interest blog

Career Discovery: Get an in-depth view of careers through a variety of activities. Students will:

  • Analyze job outlook (growth, openings, salary) 
  • Explore "green" jobs 
  • Discover 21st century occupations 
  • Experience mock interviews 
  • Develop a resume and other resources 
  • Evaluate post-secondary options

For more information, e-mail: contactus@hsonlinelearning.com